Collegio Universitario di Torino “Renato Einaudi” (Turin)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Collegio Universitario di Torino “Renato Einaudi” (Turin)

The Collegio Universitario di Torino“Renato Einaudi” is a non-profit association founded in 1935 and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, University and Research; each year it hosts approximately 750 university students enrolled in degree, research degree, masters and doctoral programmes. Admission is competitive and on merit and income bracket. Successful applicants pay annual fees which are proportional to parental income; some places are exempt from fee regulations. To retain a place at the college students must achieve an established number of credits and exams, as laid out in the regulations, with an average of at least 24/30. Details on entrance requirements can be found on the college website

The college offers broad opportunities for cultural, leisure and sporting activities in which students are encouraged to take part; all guests take turns in benefiting from subscriptions to the main theatrical and musical events held in Turin.

Each year the college awards a degree prize to the two students with the best degree results in medicine and science and 20 awards for summer study periods abroad. The 5 residential halls are all mixed and are situated near the main academic sites.
Services and facilities

Residential services: accommodation in single study rooms with telephone for incoming calls and Internet access; roughly two thirds of the rooms have en-suite bathrooms; catered dining service or use of fully equipped self-catering kitchens located on each floor; laundry service.

Resources and facilities for study and leisure activities: 2 libraries, computer rooms with Internet access, study rooms, music rooms with pianos, drafting rooms, TV lounges, gyms, table tennis rooms; chapel

Cultural and formative activities: internal courses, conferences, cultural and sporting activities.