Only four percent of people in Germany live vegetarian

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Most people in Germany eat significantly more meat than their health is good. This is shown by a study by the Robert Koch Institute. There are only a few vegetarians.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), four out of every hundred adults in Germany are usually vegetarian. According to this, women tend to abandon meat. Among them, 6.1 percent are vegetarians, with men only 2.5 percent.

"The possibilities for balanced vegetarian diet have significantly improved in Germany over the last few years," the study authors write. "Today, vegetarians are more than an idealistic minority."

The 18 to 29-year-old as a pioneer

For the evaluation, the RKI researchers used data from 6933 people, whose eating behavior had been analyzed between 2008 and 2011. In each case, over four weeks were recorded, which food consumed the participants as frequently and in what quantities. health.

Transsexuality is no longer a disease in Denmark

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

As one of the first countries in the world, Denmark has removed transsexuality from the list of mental illnesses. Will the World Health Organization follow?

Born with the wrong sex: Since this year, transsexuals are no longer classified as mentally ill in Denmark. The health authority deleted the term from 1 January of the list of mental sufferings. This means that the country is one of the exceptions worldwide - alongside France, where transsexuals are no longer regarded as mentally ill since 2010.

Many people concerned felt the classification was discriminatory, explained the Danish Ministry of Health. Therefore, transsexuality was now formally assigned to another category. This does not alter the treatment possibilities for people who prefer to belong to the other sex. In order to be able to undergo a gender transformation or a hormonal treatment, transsexuals must undergo long, psychological examinations.

Gratitude protects the heart

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Fear, envy and rage

Was this directly attributable to gratitude? Or would the positive effect have been attainable with mere positive thinking? Finally, the studies do not meet all standards for scientific studies today. Against the background of these questions, the researchers presented the thesis that gratitude among the positive emotions correlates particularly with well-being because it has a social side. The subjects were grateful for the things they had received from others. They were grateful for external circumstances and people who positively influenced their lives.

And indeed, a more accurate survey of the participants revealed that the social ties were further strengthened by the gratitude of the grateful, and the grateful also saw greater progress in motivation and achievement of important goals.

Exercise Tips for Seniors

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Exercise Tips for Seniors

From the American Journal of Epidemiology

Before we begin, please note that If you have a family history of heart disease, check with your doctor first. It is a good idea to have a physical examination and take a graded exercise test before you start an exercise program.

Pick rhythmic, repetitive activities that challenge the circulatory system and exercise at intensity appropriate for you.

Choose activities that are fun, suit your needs and that you can do year-round.

Wear comfortable clothing and footwear appropriate for the temperature, humidity and activity.

If you decide that walking is a great activity for you, choose a place that has a smooth, soft surface; that does not intersect with traffic; is well lighted and safe. Many senior Americans walk at area shopping malls.

Find a companion to exercise with you if it will help you stay on a regular schedule and add to your enjoyment.

Because muscular adaptation and elasticity generally slows with age, take more time to warm up and cool down while exercising. Make sure you stretch slowly.

Start exercising at a low intensity, especially if you have been mostly sedentary, and progress gradually.

If you plan to be active more than 30 minutes, then try to drink some water every 15 minutes, especially when exercising in hot, humid conditions. As you age, your sense of thirst tends to decrease and you cannot completely rely on your internal sense of thirst.

A Bonus: The Secret to a Sharp Mind
In addition to all the other benefits of exercise, the secret to a sharp mind just might lie in your feet as well! Studies show those who took a 30-minute brisk walk three days a week had sharper memories. This is what scientists refer to as "executive functions". They are the ability to plan, organize and juggle mental tasks. Similar results exist in non-depressed individuals. Some mental decline is associated with normal aging due to reduced blood flow to the brain. Experts believe exercise may work by improving circulation to essential areas.

Added Motivation:
In a study of more than 13,000, the risk of breaking a hip was nearly 30-percent lower among those who take a brisk walk two to four times a week than in sedentary individuals. Those who went from being moderately or vigorously active to being sedentary doubled their risk.

Take a walk!

Developing A Disaster Action Plan For Older Adults

Developing A Disaster Action Plan For Older Adults

Every family should be prepared to cope with disaster. To help insure the safety of your older family members, be sure your emergency action plan includes them, whether they are residing in assisted living facilities or nursing homes, or even living independently, where they may not have access to help in a disaster.

"It is bold to assume that an older family member will be taken care of if disaster strikes," says Regina Phelps, emergency management and contingency planning expert, and founder of Emergency Management & Safety Solutions, a San Francisco-based consulting and training firm. Staff members at some facilities might leave to take care of their own families, adds Phelps. "It is important to speak with the person who is in charge of the facility, and find out what community resources would be available to your loved one in an emergency."

Also, staff at skilled nursing facilities may not have the training needed to care for your family member after a disaster, notes Phelps, and they may simply call 911 for help or rely on assistance from the Red Cross.

Therefore, "you should develop a family communication strategy," Phelps recommends. Select an out-of-state contact person as the hub, and train her or him for that role. The person should have a list of the individuals who are likely to call and should know to ask three questions: 1) how is the caller doing, physically; 2) where is the caller at that moment; and 3) where is the caller going next.

Now, take these 7 other steps to prepare your older family members for a disaster:

Assemble essential supplies
Create disaster-supply kits that include items specific to your relatives' health and personal needs. Do they need an extra pair of eyeglasses, hearing aid batteries, extra wheelchair batteries, or a supply of oxygen? What sort of personal hygiene items do they require?

Stock up on prescription medications
Older Americans should keep an emergency supply of prescription medications that can last at least a week. After an emergency, they may not be able to get to a drugstore to get their medication. It's also smart to have physical copies of prescriptions from doctors.

Organize key documents and phone numbers
Make sure your older family member has the name and phone number of her insurance agent, as well as the numbers of non-local relatives and friends. Have a list of contact information for her doctors, as well as medical insurance and Medicare cards.

Include personal items for comfort
Some seniors�no matter how capable under normal situations�can become very childlike and disoriented in a disaster situation. Tucking a few small personal items, such as family photos, in an emergency kit, can help provide comfort.

Establish a communications strategy
Make sure all family members know whom they should check in with following a disaster. Remember to have an out-of-state contact because local phone lines often get jammed in a crisis. Consider having a prepaid phone card in your loved one's emergency kit.

Create an emergency plan for pets
No matter how bad the situation is, many older people will refuse to leave their homes if it means leaving their pets behind. Have pet carriers handy, and consider having harnesses for dogs that may be rattled by an emergency. Also, remember that shelters don't always take pets; FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) suggests getting in touch with a local animal shelter or emergency management office, or talking to a veterinarian, to find out what options pets have if they must be left behind.

Assess a loved one's living situation
Just because an older family member resides in a facility such as a nursing home does not guarantee that he will be looked after in a crisis. Talk to those who manage the facility, or even local emergency services people, to determine what may happen to your loved one if disaster strikes. Also, communicate your plan of action to your loved one, so he knows what he should do in an emergency if left to fend for himself.

How To Cut Healthcare Costs

How To Cut Healthcare Costs

By: Mark Lamendola

If you're a senior, you can use the following tips to reduce both your costs of healthcare and your need for it.

When sick:
1. Learn your body. Get a baseline physical. Consult with your doctor to know what your body's weaknesses are.

2. Be an active patient. Think of your doctor as the coach--one who needs 110% from you. It is your job to get well, not your doctors job to heal you.

3. Become an expert. Always investigate anything your doctor tells you. If your doctor says you have heart disease, get at least five books on heart disease and study them.

To stay healthy:
1. Watch your diet. Keep it simple and basic. The low-fat fad will pass, because such diets do not work. What you need to do, instead, is stay away from foods that are highly processed (your body does not work well with them), deep-fried, or high in sugar. Bear in mind, most flour products are so over-refined, they are almost like sugar pills--and they will drive your insulin level sky-high. Free information is on our leanbody page.

2. Exercise regularly. This is where many people cut too many corners. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for walks after supper. Stay away from that television. The Mindconnection fitness store has free exercise information, plus excellent equipment to help you get in shape and stay in shape.

3. Sleep regularly. This means no weekend binges. Your body takes a long time to adjust to schedule changes. The bi-annual "daylight wasting" clock change that takes place in much of the world is terrible in terms of health. But, it's not as bad as chronic late nights and sleep ins on weekends and holidays. Stick to your sleep schedule, and you will have more energy and better health--not to mention better job performance. If sleep is a mystery to you, then maybe you should study a book about sleep.

4. Find a purpose. Many people die from spiritual emptiness--a common event within a year or so of retirement. Spirituality is not an automatic result of participating in religious activities--you must pursue this in its own right. One way is to volunteer some time to a charitable organization and become passionately involved. There are many other ways--seek, and you shall find. If you want to seek more quickly, you can find a book or two on spirituality to get you going.

5. Be happy. This doesn't happen accidentally. You need to work at it. Take care of the important things in your life. Identify your stressors, and reduce or eliminate them. Look for the good in others. Need a quick laugh? Sign up for the Mindconnection jokelist. Go see a funny movie. Or buy a funny movie.

6. Get outside. Walk in a park. Ride a bike. Just don't get too much sun--this ages your skin and can lead to a host of problems later in life.

If you do get sick, do two things:
1. Learn as much as you can about your illness--ask your doctor for resource information, AND make lots of trips to the library. You can also use Mindconnection's book search for additional information.

2. Get a second opinion. Compare the two, and find out why each doctor thinks as s/he does.

What's Your Health Worth?

What's Your Health Worth?
The World's Top Anti-Aging Specialist

I got the following question emailed to me the other day. "Doc, How many fish oil capsules should a person take daily and what's the cost per day?"

This really got me thinking. You see I'll admit that I occasionally get someone writing in grousing about how expensive this anti-aging and preventative health stuff is!

I have practiced Traditional Internal Medicine for 16 years now and I have seen some dramatic changes.

If we sit down and analyze these changes, I think we can answer Tom's question a little better, as well as do some more of my favorite and apparently most irritating thing: predicting the future!

What is Traditional Medicine? Well in many countries around the world it is exactly the kind of vitamin and herbal supplementation that many of you are doing right now. In places like China the compounds making up Instant Endurance have been used for centuries.

In this country Traditional Medicine centers on prescription drugs, scientific technology, and the body as a machine without a soul.

The actual hierarchy from my standpoint is (in descending order of importance of impact on National Health Policies):

1) Drug Companies

2) Drug Company Lobbyists in Washington

3) Insurance Companies

4) Insurance Company lobbyists in Washington

5) Health Plan Administrators

6) Hospital Administrators

7) Doctors

8) And last in line, you know who the patient who is actually paying for a lot of all of this!

Right now our traditional medical system is a 1 Trillion dollar a year industry!

Complementary and alternative Medicine gross around 25 Billion at this point.

It is predicted that these numbers will be absolutely reversed by the year 2050.

In other words Complementary and alternative Medicine will be a 1 Trillion dollar a year industry with the consumers holding all the power!

Traditional medicine will be relegated to 25 billion.

What this means to you is that the longer you live the less likely you will be to have effective affordable Health Insurance Coverage.

In other words, you and I are on our own together.

Now let me answer Tom's email question the best I can.

The amount of fish Oil a person should take depends on what they are trying to achieve.

If you do a "meta analysis" of all the studies on all the conditions that fish Oil has been studied in the average dose you come up with is 7.4 grams a day.

This is close to 6 capsules.

However the heart benefits begins at as little as 1-2 caps per day. Arthritis, and Alzheimer's may require 8 to 10 a day.

As far as costs go at the current sales price of $59.95/120capsules, let's say 4 a day to make it easy, a months worth, that is approximately $2.00 a day.

If you are only interested in heart health then your cost goes down to 50 cents a day. Many of my patients on fixed incomes do not find this unaffordable, especially when they realize they are getting almost side effects free heart coverage!

Those folks who buy in case lots have a cost reduction to just over a dollar a day.

Now I am not going to go into some long winded lecture on how you can have incredible health for under $1.00 a day. I will let my customers do that in the testimonials section of the website.

I will remind you of a short list of things that Fish Oil has been shown to improve:

1) Heart disease

2) Cancer including breast, prostate colon and lung

3) Arthritis, both rheumatoid and degenerative

4) Stroke

5) Irregular heart rhythms from both the top and bottom parts of the heart.

6) Multiple Sclerosis

7) Attention Deficit Disorder

8) Depression

9) Hormone levels

10) Sexual and Athletic Performance

Again this is a short list. I personally believe this is worth a h*ll of a lot more than 2 bucks a day, but it's up to you to decide.

In time as my predictions about the fate of "modern medicine" come to pass, this will look even more attractive as a way to maintain great health.